Today's Friday show was live! Deirdre said it was bad Karma working on a Friday. Pete lives near Deirdre's house and when he drives to the studio he often will offer to give Deirdre a ride. He sat and waited for her with the radio on but the car off for about 10 minutes and when it was time to leave the car wouldn't start! He had parked in front of a bus stop so in order for the car not to be towed they had to physically push the car to the garage. In Rosie's new car, a Mazda, you don't need to insert a key to start it you just need to have it on your body. She doesn't like it and she doesn't know what the point is. She also doesn't like the car because she's not used to it and doesn't know where everything is. Also, her satellite radio is not set up with her favorite channels. The car is black and Rosie said it's the first time she has ever owned a black car. Janette doesn't mind black cars but doesn't understand why most cars are the color of fog. Deirdre said if you pick a racy color like red, it causes your insurance to go up. Rosie admitted she's not good with change and reiterated that she doesn't enjoy the "pretend key" thing. She asked listeners to call in and tell the benefits of the "fake key." Rosie then took a call from a listener who says that those "pretend keys" make it harder for thieves to steal your car. She said that thieves will often use a tool and stick it down the ignition hole and since there is no key insert, there's nowhere to stick the tool so they can't steal it. Rosie worries that she will lose her little key thing and contemplated carrying a pocketbook (in jest) or having the key implanted into her body as Janette recommended.
Rosie said that today was Parker's first official day of school. She was told at the parent orientation that there wouldn't be bus service because of Rosh Hashanah so she had planned on driving Parker to school at 7:30 this morning. At 7:10 the phone rang and it was the bus driver asking if Parker was planning on riding the bus this morning! Parker threw on his clothes and ran out the door for the bus. It was a rushed send off to his first day.
Rosie's announced that she is going to see Eminem with her teenagers on Monday! Deirdre asked if she will go backstage and Rosie said she would not because she wants to meet him but thinks backstage might be too chaotic. Eminem is also opening the 2010 Video Music Awards this Sunday. That was how Rosie first saw Eminem. She remembers his performance at the VMA's years ago and thinking how unbelievable it was. She remembered coming into the show and asking Deirdre about him. She then went and got his CD and fell in love with his music.
The conversation then went back to Pete pushing his car and how a bicyclist stopped and helped. Pete wished he would have gotten his name so he could have send him a thank you. Rosie asked what makes a person decide to stop and help. Pete said he would always stop to help a stranded driver and said he has in the past. Rosie has always stopped and helped people on the water with her jet ski. Janette said she would help someone on the street but not necessarily someone in a car (since she doesn't drive around the city). She then told a story about a blind man who was walking the streets of NYC and almost stepped into a hole in the ground and the many New Yorkers who stepped forward to protect him. Deirdre said she often helps elderly people who live in her neighborhood.
Bobby told a horrifying story of how his friend Vivian's mother died. Vivian's mother's car broke down on the side of the road and two men stopped and offered to take her to a gas station. They raped her and then killed her. Rosie recalled a story of a family who sold jewelry at the flea market near where she grew up. Some teens broke into their house in order to steal the jewels and ended up killing the mother of the family.
Rosie asked the studio members if they are an empath and asked them to take the online test with her. Rosie read the questions from the quiz and asked the studio members to say Yes or No. The questions were:
Have you been labeled as "too emotional" or overly sensitive?
If a friend is distraught, do you start feeling it too?
Are your feelings easily hurt?
Are you emotionally drained by crowds, require time alone to revive?
Do your nerves get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talk?
Do you prefer taking your own car places so that you can leave when you please?
Do you overeat to cope with emotional stress?
Are you afraid of becoming engulfed by intimate relationships?
Rosie answered YES to every question. Bobby said YES to many of them and Janette said yes to a few too. Janette thinks it was a faulty quiz because she said she feels that way not because she's an empath but because she can't stand stupid people. Pete agreed!
Janette was excited to announce that they are having a Gala for Medical Missions for Children on October 21st! She is helping plan the details such as the location and the decorations. She said she's usually not domestic but it was fun to do. She also said tickets are open to the public and the entire Rosie Radio staff will be there! You can go to for more information. The gala will take place at the Midtown Loft located on Fifth Avenue in the heart of New York City. You get to enjoy breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline on top an amazing roof top venue. Individual ticket prices are $150 and include dinner, open bar, and the chance to participate in a silent and live auction. This is a charity dear to Janette's heart and she proudly told listeners that MMFC works at a 93% efficiency. That means that .93 of every dollar you donate goes directly to the people in need. She's hoping that many people turn out. She said they will also be announcing a new sponsorship program that allows you to sponsor a specific child in need. The auction will include an autographed Rosie O'Donnell painting and a 30 minute computer consultation with Google Pete! Sweeet!!!! Hmmmm, I just found out about this! I may have to take another trip to NYC in October! :)
Rosie reminded listeners that September 21st is Rosie's Theater Kids Gala! Rosie said that they're changing the name from "Rosie's Broadway Kids" to "Rosie's Theater Kids" because people thought the name was confusing. Rosie said that it takes place at the beautiful New York Marriott Marquis and Cyndi Lauper will be performing! The live auction features, a 3-Night Nickelodeon Hotel package in Orlando, VIP Tickets to Z-100’s Jingle Ball Concert in NYC, a front row seat at Howard Stern’s radio show, an opportunity to be President for a Day at Nickelodeon, etc! Dinner tickets start at $500 but Junior ($100) tickets are available for young professionals interested in becoming more involved with Rosie's Theater Kids! There's more information on their website and on their Facebook if you're interested. If you cannot make the Gala, you can also bid on items online at I will be attending the RBK Gala because I'm going to be in NYC the day before seeing Wicked with my proof-readers Liz and Michele! I promise to take lots of pictures of the evening!!
Rosie announced that Rosie Radio will be taking off the last two weeks of September. She said they had vacation to use before the year was up and she was sorry it was so close to their previous vacation. She said they plan on planning better for vacations next year. They will be off the week of September 20th and the week of September 27th. Janette said that they will be re-playing some of the early shows back when the show first aired so not to miss those two weeks! One of the early interviews Rosie did was with Willie Rodriguez who called her last night. This is a particularly hard time of year for Willie as he was in the World Trade Center building on September 11th and saw his friend burned beyond recognition. He came on Rosie Radio in November of last year and told his story. Rosie said he's a lovely man and that she thinks about him a lot this time of year. So listen for that interview if you missed it the first time around.
Rosie said there's a new campaign to demand the truth of what happened to building 7 at the World Trade Center site. Building 7 was not hit by any airplanes yet dropped into its own footprint because of fire (which would be the first time EVER a steel-framed high rise has ever collapsed because of fire). Rosie said that if any listeners are interested in finding out what's happening in the 911 inquiry movement go to
Rosie's said that she's so happy that it's sunny outside but said it reminds her of the beautiful day they had the day of September 11th, 2001. Deirdre was remembering that day last night but added that she doesn't like summer and she's glad it's over. Deirdre said she doesn't like summer because she doesn't like being hot and she can't understand how Rosie can love Miami so much in the summer. Bobby and Rosie said that Miami doesn't feel as hot as New York does in the summer because of the breeze and the ocean air. Pete's contribution to this conversation was just that the product Fresh Balls works better in NY than Orlando.
Rosie said they had a great response to yesterday's interview with John Elder Robison the author of Look Me In The Eye
Rosie and the crew mentioned briefly that the pastor in Florida has decided not to burn the Quran. They also discussed how Fred Phelps' daughter was really upset because she said they have burned the Quran in the past and nobody cared. They have vowed to do it now if the Florida minister backed off. Rosie said the best media coverage she's seen about this event was Jon Stewart's take on the pastor.
And I saw this story last night on the news and it somehow gave me hope for us as a nation.
Chelsea made a brief appearance in the studio (although she didn't speak) because she was home for Rosh Hashanah. She is doing really well at her new school and got an A+ on her first report!
In this game the player had to read off three statements. They consisted of two truths and one lie and the other players had to guess which statement was a lie. The other players were allowed to ask only one question to help decipher which statement was a lie.
Bobby read 3 statements:
He's flown in the cockpit of a 747.
He had a close-up in a Lesley Ann Warren movie. (the movie was Night in Heaven
He has a scar on his face from childhood.
Rosie and Deirdre said the cockpit statement was a lie and after some discussion Bobby admitted that all of the statements were true because he had trouble thinking of a lie. Pete and Rosie said that Bobby ruined the game!!!!
Janette was next
She went off on a cab driver for driving like a maniac.
She was pulled toward a police car by detectives once. Which ended up being a TRUE statement. She was mistaken for a prostitute and almost arrested!
She once let a rabbit die when she could have saved it.
Everyone thought that Janette's first statement was true but that turned out to be the lie, which no one believed. She felt guilty about the rabbit event her entire life, she said. It happened when she was a little girl and her father filled a hole with water where he had just planted a prickly tree. Her cat chased a baby rabbit into the water and because she was such a wimp and didn't want to scratch herself on the tree she took too long to save it that the rabbit died. She still feels horribly about it.
She swam nude at Miami beach. Bobby thinks this was the lie.
She ate a chocolate covered ant.
She told the President a dirty joke.
Everyone thought the last statement was true. They asked her about the Miami Beach incident which no one could believe but happened to also be true. Rosie said she swam naked one time before she had children with a former girlfriend. She said the police kept telling them to get out of the water but they wouldn't (because they didn't want him to see them naked) so they stayed in the water until the police went away. The ant statement was the lie.
When she was a kid she got an umbrella stuck in her mouth.
She's a brown belt in Judo.
She dances alone every night in her house.
Rosie thought for sure that the first statement was true because it was so out there. Pete asked Deirdre if she's danced in the past two weeks (as she recently hurt her knee). Brendan said he remembers her saying that she dances in the morning. Rosie and Pete said the Judo comment was the lie. But Deirdre revealed that the real lie was the dancing comment and that she is a brown belt in Judo!
His college degree is in Theology. Janette was sure this was true, which it was.
He has a twin who was not born. Rosie guessed this was the lie which it was.
He's a Teamster. This statement was True! Brendan once drove for UPS and joined the Teamsters!
A kitty once gave him second degree burns.
He played Willie Loman in the school play. They all thought this was a lie and it was. He was just an extra.
He and his twin brother were once Milli Vanilli for Halloween.
He was once attacked by baboons.
He once ate a jar of mayonnaise. This was TRUE! Ick.
He once showed off his apartment to Mary Steenburgen.
Pete said the baboon incident happened on a nature preserve in Malaysia. He said the baboons came very close, threatening him, but they did not attack. Rosie chose that one as the lie.
Rosie said that she can't wait to see Tony Danza's new show entitled Teach on the A&E channel. Janette remembered the first time he was on her talk show and said he was one of the two people she ever wanted to actually meet who was on the show. They talked about what a great dancer and singer he is too!
Rosie told Tony that she saw the promo for the show and immediately thought it was a great idea. Tony hopes the show is well received but said the experience he had doing it was the the greatest thing about it. Tony said he feels as if he was embedded with the teachers to come out and tell their story for them. Rosie said she will be watching it this Fall.
Tony taught English in a Philadelphia school for a year. He said that the experience was almost the same as being in front of an audience except the difference was that you have the audience's future in your hands. Tony thought of the concept for the show. He said he was on the road a lot and was being offered a lot of shows he didn't particularly want to do. He had always wanted to be a teacher so the thought had always been on his mind. He got certified to teach and wanted to make sure that the kids came first and not the show. He said for the most part he didn't play to the cameras and he tried to be as rigorous as possible with the students.
Rosie and Tony joked about how young people don't even know that they are famous when they meet them. Tony said that teaching is part of the job but that it's also counseling of the students. Rosie agreed and said she was saved by the teachers in her public school growing up and she doesn't know how her life would have ended up without them. She too said she would have been a teacher if she weren't a performer.
Rosie asked Tony how the experience changed him. Tony told a story about two students who begged him to watch the movie Freedom Writers
Teach premieres on October 1st at 10pm on A&E!
The Promo for Teach with Tony Danza
After the interview Rosie and the staff discussed the truth/lie game that they played. Rosie said she was asked (on the blog?) about the time she went skinny dipping at Miami Beach. She explained that it was back when she was performing in Grease on Broadway and it was very late at night. She said she was dating a "wild person" at the time. Janette told Rosie that nighttime swimming in the ocean is the worst time to be eaten by sharks! Rosie said that we all do crazy things pre-children. WORD.
Rosie closed the show asking listeners to take a moment and remember all the lives that were lost on September 11th tomorrow.
and that's what you missed -kw
A big thank you to your proofreaders, Liz and Michele. They do a wonderful job! I am a former teacher and can usually spot errors -- but not in your blog. How refreshing!
OMG - Rosie and I have the same car!! I was so excited listening to her talk about it this morning and she'll grow to love the keyless feature. I just keep mine in my wallet.
ReplyDeleteKelly, you'll love Wicked in NYC - I saw it there in April of last year. How I wish I was going to be there for these two benefits but I'm not planning my next NYC trip until next spring. Hopefully Kelly will take lots of fab photos. - Kim
5/7 ( Yes's) on the Test..The one that struck at me the most was " Do you overeat to cope with emotional stress?"....Very much so , most of my life. I've been struggling alot with it lately..It's emotionally exhausting...I hate it..Wish there was something else to go to other than food. It's all in my Blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of Mazda did Rosie get??? I sold my Mazda 3 and miss it terribly :(
ReplyDeleteoh well, lol, thanks for the recap!!! (and to the proofreaders ;])
Another great recap, Kelly!
ReplyDelete: ) P
Did Danza say why he had a reality show about his is there a specific reason he taught for a television show vs..just teaching?