Rosie started today's program talking about how she was not really dressed appropriately for the Sirius studios in New York City. She said she had a silk shirt on but no bra! And then she started talking about her nipples and Pete and Bobby pleaded with her to stop! lol Janette wished her longtime boyfriend Barry a Happy Birthday! Janette's been with Barry for many years but says they have no desire to marry. They discussed civil unions that are becoming quite popular in Europe today. Rosie didn't get to see Barbra Streisand on Larry King last night but said she has it tivoed. She got home late because she was at a fundraiser for her charity Rosie's Theater Kids.
They then discussed the Sing Off and the various competing teams. Lou played the group who sang Landslide last night. Rosie said she thinks Glee has changed the face of television and without it, The Sing Off wouldn't be as popular as it is. Janette finds the overacting of the competitors on The Sing Off distracting and likes it better just hearing them sing rather than watching them perform.
Landslide from The Sing Off
Rosie Radio then announced the Craft Contest Winner!!!! The winner of the craft contest was Derek Hartley! Janette and Rosie both thought Romaine was going to take the top prize. Pete read the final votes and said Romaine had 25.18% of the votes and Derek had 25.26%! There was under a 50 vote difference. Romaine and Derek were on the phone to talk to Rosie. Romaine said she's fiercely competitive and went on the air and lobbied hard for her craft. She thinks maybe her listeners wanted to teach her a lesson in humility. Derek said the win made him feel very ambivalent. He said he was excited to enter the contest because he listens to Rosie Radio every morning but when it got overly competitive he felt the competition lost the holiday spirit. Rosie chatted with them both for a bit and thanked them for participating. Romaine didn't win anything but Rosie offered to send her some of her Secret Santa gifts she's received this week. Derek on the other hand, won a gift bag with a copy of Rosie's Crafty U
Rosie said Lou was the winner of all the Rosie Radio staff members and she thought Paul Kodila should win something because his craft was overlooked. The at home listener was Kathy Martin! Rosie said her craft was "unbelievable" and if she doesn't work for Martha Stewart she should!
Janette said Bobby, Rosie, Jeannie and herself have all donated their crafts to an online auction created by her Facebook friend Petra. You can bid to win one of those crafts HERE and all proceeds will benefit Janette's charity Medical Missions for Children! Janette thanked Petra and the "blogtourage" and Pete promised to put up a link to the auction on
Rosie then wanted to discuss how Don't Ask Don't Tell has been repealed in the House. Brendan explained how it now has to go to the Senate for a vote. He said there are five Senators who are "fence sitters" that might go either way with Mike Brown (in the Kennedy seat) being one of them. Brown is a Republican but has voted for Massachusetts which is typically a Democratic state. It is believed Brown will vote to repeal the bill. Brendan said the Senate will be voting on it soon.
Rosie is still shocked that this is an issue in our country. She said throughout history, gay people have ALWAYS served in our country's military. They talked about a recent article that asks if gay rights are actually civil rights. Janette said it's important for straight people to know the discrimination that goes on if you're gay because many times straight people simply have no idea. Rosie mentioned a book entitled 8 bullets by Claudia Brenner about two women lovers who go hiking on the Appalachian trail. They see a strange man watching them so they go further up the mountain to avoid him. The guy finds them and shoots 8 bullets into the tent trying to kill them because he said their lifestyle was an abomination and an act against God. They pretended they were dead and one woman carried the other woman down the mountain. One woman died but one survived the shooting. At the trial every gay person in the town came to the courthouse wearing a pink shirt to prove how many people in the town were actually gay. The shooter was found guilty. Rosie said she wanted to buy the rights to the book and make it into a film one day.
Rosie thinks if everyone that supports gay rights would make a similar statement like this it would make a huge impact on the way our country is run. She said she wished Obama would come out and simply say it's time for DADT to be repealed. She said many people who voted for him are questioning if Obama's done enough in his first two years of presidency and if he would just make a strong statement about this it would say so much about him. Rosie said as the first African American president, Obama should empathize with gay citizens because there was a time when no one believed an African American should be treated equally in this country either. Rosie said it's time to take a stance on the issue. She said how Obama has handled this issue leaves her wondering if anyone who gets to be President is strong enough to follow their own moral beliefs.
Pete read the statistics of the states that permit discrimination based on someone's sexuality. He said only 21 states prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. In more than half of the states in this country you're allowed to discriminate against someone based on their sexuality. But in no state are you allowed to discriminate against someone because of the color of their skin or their religion. And in only 23 states, are you legally considered a family member and can visit your loved one in the hospital if you're gay.
Rosie told the story of Janice Langbehn who wasn't permitted to visit her wife in a Florida hospital when she was dying. Rosie said President Obama called her and promised her they changed that law so it will never happen again.
Rosie took a call from a listener whose gay brother was fired for being gay from Home Depot in Virginia. She said he worked in the paint department and was fabulous at his job. He had been employee of the month many times too. She said they were aware he was gay when he was hired and he worked for them for three years until a retired military chief was hired as his superior. The retired chief was uncomfortable working with him and they were worried about a harassment lawsuit so they fired her brother for being gay. She checked into it and found out it's legal to fire someone in the state of Virginia for being gay! Rosie couldn't believe it and thanked the caller for sharing her story.
Rosie mentioned a speech by Congressman John Lewis about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. I believe I found the text of that speech on HRC's website. In his own words...
Rep. John Lewis: “Madam Speaker, I for one fought too long and too hard to end discrimination based on race and color, not to stand up against discrimination against our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. During the 1960’s, we broke down those signs that said ‘white’ and ‘colored.’ Call it what you may, to discriminate against someone because they are gay is wrong, it is wrong, it is not right. There’s not any room in our society for discrimination. Today we must take this important step after more than 30 long years and pass the employment Employment Non-Discrimination Act. It is the right thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. Let us do it. Not just for this generation but for generations yet unborn. Today we have an opportunity to bring down more signs. Now is the time to do what is right, what is fair, what is just. The time is always right to do right. Let us pass this bill.”
Rosie and the staff then opened their Secret Santa gifts. Rosie got a loofah and some nail files. Bobby got a utility tool kit for his bag. Pete got Nutella, a Dr. Suess book and Hanukkah gelt. Shoshana got cupcake bakeware that makes giant cupcakes and everyone guessed hers was Jeannie. Deirdre got a $5 NY lottery ticket. Someone opened Jeannie's present for her and she got a grab and go something (I missed it). Janette got a book entitled Call for Action: A Survival Kit for New Yorkers published in 1973! Lou got a bottle of Miller High Life.
As they were opening gifts Rosie invited some people who were on a Sirius radio tour into their studio! She chatted with the tourists who were with the New Jersey Mercedes Benz headquarters. First Rosie said she never felt comfortable enough to buy a Mercedes because she finds them "too show-offy." Then she found out they were a big sponsor at Sirius and said she took it back! She also found out that a Mercedes costs about the same as her Volvo. The tourists were taking the Sirius studio tour and then competing in the NY Amazing Race. The tourists said they were going to Tony's DiNapoli for lunch and Rosie raved about the owner of that restaurant. She said he's often hosted her fundraisers at his restaurant and called the owner a lovely guy. She recommended the Chicken Francese and gave her Secret Santa loofah to the woman who spoke on behalf of the group.
After the tour left the studio Pete talked about the NY Amazing Race and said he would "fucking rock that" game!
Continuing with the opening of the gifts, Brendan received two chocolate bars made with dark chocolate and a poem and James got chap-stick, candy and Warheads (the candy).
Rosie then introduced Donny and Marie Osmond who were in the studio for the interview! Rosie and her girlfriend were at opening night of Donny and Marie's A Broadway Christmas and she told them it was FANTASTIC! Rosie said she cried at the nostalgia piece they did during the show. They joked about the time in 1996 when Marie convinced Donny to come apologize to Rosie on The Rosie O'Donnell Show wearing a puppy dog suit after he called her fat.
Marie and Donny have been performing in Vegas for 2 and a half years but have taken a short leave from their permanent gig at the Flamingo to perform on Broadway. They start back at the Flamingo on January 18th. Marie moved her entire family to Las Vegas but Donny still lives in Utah and commutes back and forth. Marie said it was too hard for her to commute because she's a single mom and has to be there for her kids who are in school. Rosie said she heard Las Vegas has fantastic schools and Marie agreed. Donny talked about his three grand-babies who Rosie gooed over. Donny said despite the fact he's a grandfather he still feels like a teenager and will probably never act his age.
Rosie talked with Marie about her interview on Oprah. The interview was the first time Marie sat down with someone publicly to talk about her son Michael's suicide. Rosie called the interview unbelievably honest, cathartic, human and brave. Marie said she didn't think she was really quite ready to talk about her son but she wanted to give Mike credit for who he was as a person. They talked about the scrapbook Mike made and left behind and what a gift it was for Marie. Marie cried and talked to Rosie about what a special kid Mike was and how difficult his death has been for her other children. All the proceeds of Marie's latest album I Can Do This
Rosie asked Marie, who also has adopted children, how much she thinks being adopted played a part in her son's depression. Marie thought it definitely played a part in it and Rosie agreed and called it a "primal wound." Marie told a story about her own adopted daughter who, when she was a little girl, said, "I can't believe my mom sold me for less than the family car." When she heard her daughter say that she said "her heart died" and she had a long talk with her about honoring her birth mother because of the very difficult choice she made. Marie and Rosie talked about how adopted children must learn to honor their past and remember their birth parents are heroes. Marie also talked about what a gift her brother Donny has been for her kids.
Marie and Donny said they had a difficult childhood because they never went to public school with peers and grew up in show business. Donny, Marie and Rosie all talked about the struggles they have parenting teens. Marie talked with Rosie about her son Mike's struggles with addiction. Donny spoke about the need to serve others and how that's what God wants us to do.
Donny used to call Rosie from the parking lot when Marie was on Dancing With The Stars! He was so nervous for her! When Marie was doing DWTS her son overdosed and went into rehab, her dad died and she was going through a horrible custody battle with her divorce. Marie said the show is a lot of work and she warned Donny of this before he did it!
Rosie talked with Donny and Marie about their Christmas special on Broadway and how they wanted to incorporate Christmas music with music from the Donny and Marie Show. Donny said it was important for them to bring back the music of the past because people want to remember happier times. Rosie told them it's a great show! Rosie also said she was stunned by the amount of people with Donny and Marie merchandise in the audience!
Donny called Jeannie Weenie during the commercial break! He said Jeannie told him she was speechless but Donny said she was anything BUT speechless. Rosie told Donny all about how Jeannie's wanted to marry Donny since high school and how upset she became when she found out Rosie was going to their opening on Broadway and not taking her! Rosie promised she and Jeannie would go see their show before it closes so she could meet Donny.
Rosie asked Donny and Marie if there's ever a chance they would do a Christmas show with all their kids. Rosie thinks it would be HUGE and said their fans would love to see their children perform with them. Donny and Marie said they hope their Broadway show might be an annual event with special guests and Rosie volunteered! Rosie and Donny then started to sing Walking In a Winter Wonderland!
Then Howard Stern walked by the studio! Rosie told Donny and Marie how Howard got her the job on Sirius and about when she decided to go on his show. Her only promise to herself when going on his program was to be honest with him and that's what she did. Donny also did Howard's radio show and he too made a promise with himself to just be honest. Now they're all friends.
Rosie thanked Donny and Marie for coming in and told them she'd come out to Vegas to see their show soon!
Donny on Rosie for old time's sake
Donny and Rosie sing!
Rosie closed the show.and that's what you missed -kw
Oh Mah Gawd. Can't even express how much I was touched and enjoyed Donny & Marie. Always knew they were amazingly kind and sweet but who knew how SMART, how WISE they are! Marie alone could be a therapist! And Donny is so insightful and funny! My only complaint is Rosie hijacking the conversations. I know she loves these two & gets excited, but it's not about HER. Same old song there. A couple of times she cut Marie off & then went on about HER. Rosie, we hear about you ALL THE TIME. When people like D&M are on PUT A SOCK IN IT, babe. Still it's adorable the chemistry btwn the 3 of you. Very special friendship and you're ALL lucky to have each other. Great interview!!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about the stuff Marie was taking for night sweats. Could you please post a link or give me the name? Thanks!