Rosie and the staff started today's broadcast discussing how they will no longer be manufacturing the Easy Bake Oven light-bulbs! Turns out, it is because of the switch over to fluorescents. Shoshana had never played with an Easy Bake Oven so Rosie described it to her. Jeannie talked about her memories of making a cake from her Easy Bake Oven for her late father. They also reminisced about Shrinky Dinks
They also briefly mentioned how Jane Russell died this week and discussed some of her movies and commercials.
The staff then discussed an article they had read about America's Porn Addiction. Rosie said they discussed the article in the morning meeting and all but two of the staff members admitted to looking up porn on the Internet. James read that 72% of Americans will seek out porn on a regular basis on the Internet! Rosie talked about the accessibility of porn today because of the Internet and how different it is compared to when she was growing up. She said she would almost prefer her teenage boy to see a Playboy then some of the scary images they can find on the Internet. Rosie said porn today concerns her because she feels it could give them an unrealistic expectation about what sex is. Jeannie wished there was a way to introduce teens to sex in a respectful way instead of making it seem so taboo.
Rosie and Vivi watched the new Lady Gaga video for her single Born this Way. Rosie said Vivi was totally disturbed by it and she said, "Okay Mom, let's just say it....Lady Gaga has issues."
Lady Gaga and her issues (according to Vivi) in Born This Way
Rosie described the video to the other staff members who hadn't seen it. After Rosie watched it she wondered if she should have let Vivi see it. Rosie even talked about the similarities between Lady Gaga and Madonna.
Rosie said she has huge tubs of her children's artwork under her bed and wondered what she should do with it. Jeannie made a portfolio with pictures of her kids' art but got rid of the originals. Janette recommended Rosie keep it and save it for her kids to have one day and let them decide.
Rosie read an article about Diet Soda Addiction and she said it immediately made her think of Bobby. Bobby doesn't think it's the diet soda he's addicted to but the caffeine. Bobby drinks 5-6 a day but it doesn't bother him. Amanda hasn't been drinking diet soda for 2 weeks now! Bobby said diet soda has been found to be safe and you'd have to drink 21 diet soda cans a day to surpass the recommended amount. Rosie didn't buy it.
Rosie started a diet and said the hardest thing about her diet right now is the breakfast. Her diet mostly recommends an egg white omelet in the morning which she really doesn't like. Janette is doing The Primal Blueprint
diet and loving it! She said it's really curbing her cravings! Rosie said she heard about a similar diet to Janette's called The Caveman Diet the other day on Nightline. Here's the segment...
Rosie read an article about Diet Soda Addiction and she said it immediately made her think of Bobby. Bobby doesn't think it's the diet soda he's addicted to but the caffeine. Bobby drinks 5-6 a day but it doesn't bother him. Amanda hasn't been drinking diet soda for 2 weeks now! Bobby said diet soda has been found to be safe and you'd have to drink 21 diet soda cans a day to surpass the recommended amount. Rosie didn't buy it.
Rosie started a diet and said the hardest thing about her diet right now is the breakfast. Her diet mostly recommends an egg white omelet in the morning which she really doesn't like. Janette is doing The Primal Blueprint
The Caveman Diet
The talked about the difference between Greek yogurt and regular diet. Rosie talked about how portion size is big in her diet. Janette eats breakfast and then eats almonds until dinner!
Pete shared a story about his daughter who's two years old who's scared of the dark. He said right now the girls sleep very close to him in their beds but they're about to move into a new house where she will have her own bedroom Pete looked up an article about this problem and some of the pointers were: 1. Develop a routine 2. sleep with a favorite stuffed animal and 3. use a nightlight so if they wake up afraid they will immediately see familiar things. Pete said Irene got started with her fear of monsters after watching Scooby Doo with her older sister. Janette talked about her fear of monsters when she was younger and then Pete shared a hilarious story about how he spooked himself last week working on his new house. Pete said he was alone one night cutting tile and some scary songs started playing on his iPod. First was You're Not Alone by Traveling Wilburys, then You're Going To Die by William Shatner, and then Devil's Haircut by Beck. The songs totally freaked him out and he had to keep checking behind him to see if there was someone else there!
Pete shared a story about his daughter who's two years old who's scared of the dark. He said right now the girls sleep very close to him in their beds but they're about to move into a new house where she will have her own bedroom Pete looked up an article about this problem and some of the pointers were: 1. Develop a routine 2. sleep with a favorite stuffed animal and 3. use a nightlight so if they wake up afraid they will immediately see familiar things. Pete said Irene got started with her fear of monsters after watching Scooby Doo with her older sister. Janette talked about her fear of monsters when she was younger and then Pete shared a hilarious story about how he spooked himself last week working on his new house. Pete said he was alone one night cutting tile and some scary songs started playing on his iPod. First was You're Not Alone by Traveling Wilburys, then You're Going To Die by William Shatner, and then Devil's Haircut by Beck. The songs totally freaked him out and he had to keep checking behind him to see if there was someone else there!
Rosie had "dead dream" the other day. One morning it was raining and Parker woke her up early and asked her to take him to school but she told him no. She fell back to sleep and had a dream that a building she was standing near exploded and she thought (in the dream), "Oh no, I don't want to die" and she said 'I Love You' and felt a release. Shoshana thought it sounded like an Oscar-driven dream because the dream sounded so similar to Inception and Black Swan. Rosie thought that cold be true! Shoshana had a dream recently where she was accused of murder after she saw Conviction. Rosie said she used to have a recurring dream where she was accused of murder and no one believed she didn't do it. Pete has a recurring dream that he actually does kill someone! Jeannie used to have a recurring dream as a kid that Godzilla and King Kong were looking for her.
When Rosie had a foster child years ago her foster daughter used to have horrible dreams about monkeys. Rosie designed a bottle of water and wrote "Monkey Spray" on the outside of it. She took it to the drug store near their home and asked the owners if she could put it on one of the shelves. She took her foster daughter back with her to the drug store and they discovered the Monkey Spray to keep away bad dreams about monkeys! Rosie said it worked because the dreams stopped.
Rosie said after she and Kelli separated, she allowed Blake and Vivi to sleep in her bed with her. But after their last vacation to Miami she told the kids that they weren't going to do that anymore. This was the first week of their new sleeping arrangements and Vivi was really upset over it. Jeannie's son Ryan ends up with her in bed every night. But she knows it's not going to last so she doesn't mind it right now. Rosie agreed and said kids are young for only so long and then next thing you know they're teens and questioning the constitutionality of your parenting! She then joked about how Parker questions whether his constitutional rights are being violated anytime Rosie puts down a punishment for him.
Rosie, Jeannie and Jackie will all turn 50 next year (2012) and Rosie said they should throw a joint birthday party. Their birthdays are March, April and May.
Everyone told Janette how beautiful she looks for being in her late 50s. Janette said she's now lost 19 pounds with her Primal Blueprint diet! She said she only eats dead things, yogurt, low-fat cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Just no sugar, no grains and no processed foods. Janette said her new diet has completely eliminated her cravings and she feels better. Rosie said she's lost 10 pounds doing her diet! She's doing a low calorie diet of only 1500 calories. Rosie hopes she doesn't get frustrated this time and just give up. Janette said that Rosie has to remember it's a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet.
Rosie and the staff then discussed how Rutgers is now going to offer Gender Neutral Housing where you can choose the sex of the person you want to live with. Janette said this was because of what happened to Tyler Clementi. Rosie and the staff talked about dorm living. Rosie went to Dickinson and Boston University and is not a public pee-er or a public pooper and would have to go to the bathroom and shower at 3:00am! Rosie said it was a big problem at The View too! Bobby, Shoshana and Pete all had private bathrooms in college. Janette talked about how she strong-armed the administrators of her college and never had to have a roommate again. She barely wants to "room" with Barry her boyfriend of many years!
During this game, James gave an index card with a category to each of the players. Each player read their category.
Rosie got "On Broadway," "In The Dentist's Office Waiting Room" and "The Groovy 70s."
Pete got "Ladies of the 2000s," "Divas" and "Girl Power Anthems,"
Janette got "Arena Rock Anthems," "Awesome 80s," and "Motown."
Jeannie got "At the Movies," "Celine Dion" and "Sappy Ballads."
Shoshana got "The 60s," "The Year 2010" and "Madonna."
James said the person with the highest score at the end of the first round gets the opportunity to trade with someone else. Each player hears 3 clips from 3 songs in their category. When James stopped the music the player had to finish singing the lyric.
Janette went first with "Awesome 80s." Janette heard clips from songs by Prince, The Eurythmics and Lionel Richie. She totally bombed on the Prince song, got the Eurythmics song and bombed again on the Lionel Richie song. 1 point
Jeannie chose "Sappy Ballads." She heard clips from Bette Midler, Dionne Warwick and Mariah Carey. She got all three! 3 points
Shoshana chose "The Year 2010." She heard clips of songs from Ke$ha, Bruno Mars and Train. She got all three for 3 points.
Rosie chose "Broadway." She heard clips of songs from Grease, Evita and The Sound of Music. She got all three for 3 points.
Pete chose "Girl Power Anthems." He heard clips of songs from Aretha Franklin, Christina Aguilera and Gloria Gaynor. He got all three for 3 points.
ROUND TWO (they chose to continue without trading)
Janette chose "Arena Rock Anthems." She heard clips of a song by Jon Bon Jovi, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Bruce Springsteen. She bombed on all three. But it was really funny! 0 points.
Jeannie chose "Celine." She heard clips of "My Heart Will Go On," "Because You Loved Me," and "I'm Your Lady." She didn't really get the middle one but she got the first and last for 2 points.
Shoshana chose "Madonna." She heard clips of "Like a Prayer," "Like a Virgin" and "Papa Don't Preach." She got all three for 3 points.
Rosie chose "The Groovy 70s." She heard clips of "Bye, Bye Miss American Pie," "Dancing Queen" and "Piano Man." She got all three for 3 points.
Pete chose "Ladies of the 2000s." He heard clips of songs from Kelly Clarkson, Pink, and Rihanna. He didn't get the first one, barely got the second one and totally bombed on the last one. 1 point.
(there was no time for the final round)
Rosie closed the show.
and that's what you missed - kw
Thanks again, Kelly! Four days in a row without listening to Rosie Radio (even in replay). Without your recap, I'd be going through withdrawals!
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