In case you missed it...
• Rosie began today's show talking about how Google Pete was screaming before they went on air because he walked in on Deirdre going potty. Pete seemed totally freaked out about it and Deirdre was laughing and totally didn't care. They spent some time discussing and analyzing the door lock on the bathroom and at one point Bobby and Jeannie were in the bathroom together. Then they discussed the age-old men leave the seat up debate. Rosie said if the men don't like touching the seat to raise the lid when they have to pee they could just sit down and push their wee-wees down like little boys do, LOL. Deirdre said it is good Feng shui to put the lid down. Rosie told a hilarious story about how when they were younger Jeannie would stick her "heiney" out the window and she could shoot her pee when Rosie was driving!! Such a visual image with that story! lol Rosie said, "Jeannie is a master pee-er!" Timmy O'Donnell broke in to say that Stanley will have a proper lock for the bathroom door at the studio by 1:00. Someone recalled the television show Rhoda and how she used to have many locks on her bathroom door which prompted Deirdre to add that Valerie Harper, who will be on Broadway soon, will be coming to do the show!Matt looking gray and lookin hot!
• Lou played Wait It Out by Imogen Heap. (I just looooooove that song)
Katie Spotz
• Katie was on her college crew team but has only been rowing for 2 years. Rosie asked if she was lonely. Katie said she does miss her friends and family but feels them with her in spirit. Katie said she's seen maybe 5 or 6 sharks, lots of fish and birds and one sea turtle while at sea. She also goes into the water when she needs to cool off because it can get incredibly hot. Her boat is only 19ft long and she has a jet-oil stove that she uses to heat up water which she adds to her dehydrated meals. She also eats lots of energy bars and trail mix. Katie said her mom tried to talk her out of it but now her parents see that this is for a bigger purpose. Rosie asked Katie if she spends a lot of time crying out at sea which seemed to catch Katie off-guard but she said yes, she "definitely has her moments." Katie said she struggled with exhaustion at the beginning of the trip. Rosie asked Katie if she ever regretted doing it and she said no, but there are moments where she must struggle to find the strength to carry on.
• Katie said that she went to college at 16 years old and always liked challenges. She did her first marathon at 18, and after she realized she could do the marathon, she signed up for a 3300 mile bike ride for the American Heart Association. Rosie asked if she would do another challenge after this one and Katie said she definitely sees more adventures ahead. Katie said after this adventure the first thing she would like to do is get a good shower and get a good night's sleep. Rosie told Katie what tremendous admiration she had for her and how impressed she was by her. Rosie told Katie to "be careful missy" and to call her when she got home so she could interview her again. Katie should arrive on the coast of South America about March 16th and you can learn more about Katie on her website follow her on her twitter HERE or her or get more information about Katie's cause at!
This is where Katie is right now!
• Rosie and the staff then talked about the interview with Katie. Deirdre loved when Rosie asked her if she cried. Deirdre said her story "blows her mind" and Janette thinks it's spectacular. Pete said he's "hooked" and added "she's awesome." Pete's been following her on her twitter for a while and talked about how Katie once decided to row naked for a while! She also likes to listen to Imogen Heap. Jeannie kept thinking of Katie's parents! Pete cited a blog post that Katie's mother wrote that he recommended listeners check out. Rosie sang along to the song Don't Rock the Boat but changed the lyrics for Katie making it up as she went along. It was very funny!
• Rosie took several callers one of whom asked if Rosie will do another movie anytime soon. Rosie said she's not sure about doing any movies because of the time it requires away from the kids but there's a chance she might go back to TV. And then she added "but only if it's fun because life's too short." Hmmm! Is that a clue?! I love clues!
• Rosie then played part of Susan Boyle's version on Wild Horses. Apparently in a recent interview Adam Lambert said that Susan Boyle ruined the song and it made him die of laughter when he listened to it in a recent interview. Rosie and Janette loved the version of the song. The staff talked about the trouble with fame and how it effects some people. Rosie said that sometimes those quotes can be taken out of context when you do an interview. Rosie recalled the time she said that Susan's story was like Shrek come to life. Meaning that Susan is not your typical famous singer meeting the beauty standards of Hollywood yet has that amazing voice. Rosie meant it as a compliment but the media quoted her as saying she said that Susan looked like Shrek which was not what she meant at all. Rosie talked about how Susan began her singing career signing Karaoke and Deirdre said she LOVES karaoke! ME TOO, DEIRDRE! Let's go! I practice my Karaoke songs in the shower - or what songs I would do in the shower, as I only ever did it once. The staff talked about how some people take Karaoke very seriously! Rosie said how happy she was with Simon Cowell and how he's been taking care of Susan.
• Rosie asked the staff what was the worst job they have ever had. Pete said he sold newspapers door to door for the Unification Church in DC. He worked for 40 hours and made hardly any money. Janette said her worst job was when she had to tape soft porn messages. She got fired after one day because her orgasms weren't good enough because they sounded like she was in pain! Bobby never had a really bad job but said he was a dispatcher in Miami once and got some pretty dramatic calls. He described one call when a woman called 911 and needed help because she said she was barricaded in her house by men that broke in. His supervisor thought it was a phoney phone-call and told him to hangup. Bobby didn't think it was so he messaged one of the police officers he was friends with and she went to check it out and drug dealers had locked her in her back bedroom and had taken over the house to make drugs! He got reprimanded and awarded in the the same day. He then quit because the job was too stressful. Deirdre had a really boring job in college when she worked for a plastic company stuffing envelopes all day at a desk. Rosie and Janette told stories of some really bad stand-up gigs they had to do- One of which was at a Chinese restaurant where they were also playing Keno and the audience members kept coming up on stage. Apparently Bobby taped the whole thing and is going to bring it in! SWEET!
The Theme Song to Life Unexpected
• Rosie's eldest daughter Chelsea was in the studio for the interview and she said that she and Chels have a weekly date to watch the show together. Rosie talked to Liz about how Chelsea is adopted as well and has been interested in finding her birth parents her whole life. Chelsea said how it is hard for her to wait until she's 18 years old to find them. Liz said it was hard for her too. Liz talked about how adopted kids hold on so tightly to any information they can find about themselves and their history.
Liz Tigelaar talks about Life Unexpected
The Trailer to Life Unexpected
• Liz shared how she met her birth mom last year when she was 33 years old and how it was a bit disappointing, not because of who she is, but because it wasn't as she imagined it would be. Liz and Rosie talked about the developing stories and characters on the show but I wasn't familiar with the show so this part was a bit of a blur to me. Liz said that Chelsea and Parker could come and be on the show!!! OMG! How exciting! Rosie said if the show gets picked up, to write a part for her and she and Chelsea will come out and be on it! COOLNESS!!!! Liz was so excited when Rosie offered to do a guest spot and said it would be incredible! Rosie asked if there was any free Life Unexpected swag Liz could send her daughter and Liz said she could put something together for her. All in all it was a great interview. I totally want to watch the show now and Liz was a fantastic guest!
• Rosie asked her kids who were in the studio what their favorite shows were. Chelsea said her favorite show was Life Unexpected. Vivi's said her favorites were Glee and ICarly. And Blake said his was Big Time Rush.
• Rosie talked a little about how she is getting all of her teeth redone again and how this will be her 4th set of crowns. She said the "dentist stuff never goes away" and said that when she was little she didn't get good dental care. Rosie's kids were in the studio so she talked to her kids about the importance of brushing. Rosie also talked about the new Sonicare toothbrush she uses and how enjoyable it is. Janette and Rosie talked about how it looks strange when a celebrity ages but their teeth don't.
• Rosie played a little bit of the song Tik Tok and her kids sang along! OMG, so fricking cute!
• Apparently Howard heard about Rosie's dream she had about him and was talking about it on his show! Janette read exactly what Howard said about the dream including "if anyone could change Rosie (to heterosexual) he could and how he dreamt that he and Rosie went on Oprah together and were holding hands talking about how he changed her to hetero! LOL Spoken like a man, no? Janette also mentioned how they were talking about Howard's take on Rosie's dream on the Rosie Radio Facebook page! Overall, Janette told Rosie that he's honored how Rosie thinks about him. The whole thing made Rosie laugh.
• Lastly, they talked about Andrew Young who worked for John Edwards and who agreed to say he was the father of the baby that John Edward had with his mistress. You can read more about that HERE. Rosie remarked on what a horrible mess it has become and wondered how they thought they could get away with that. Janette attributed it to over confidence and arrogance. Pete said that John had been loyal and loving to his staff and had created a dedicated group of people working for him and then it may have gone to his head and he started to take advantage of them. Rosie wondered whether the affair had been an isolated event. Janette wished sexual behavior wouldn't be considered when judging someone's moral character.
• Rosie closed the show telling everyone to enjoy their snow if they live out East! Don't forget that Sharon Gless will be on the show on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone!
I didn't get a chance to listen tot he show yet and will catch it tonight! ..Kelly this was a fabulous recap..I'm drinking coffee now and when I read "She got fired after one day because her orgasms weren't good enough because they sounded like she was in pain!" I nearly choked of laughter..My keyboard is a tad wet now.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Great recap Kelly, the pictures are a really nice touch and I hope you know that you're work is greatly appreciated! Where do you find the time??
ReplyDeleteThe snow was beautiful this afternoon, the shoveling not so much :)
Have a great weekend!
I didn't even recognize Matt!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Heidi, that was so funny!!
Kelly ~ AWESOME recap!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have sirious access and I enjoy the blog format. Thank you so much for putting your time and energy into blogging radio updates. I'm going to make this a regular blog to keep up on. THANX, YOU ROCK!!!