Rosie was fresh back from Sundance today! She said it was fun and exciting! She attended a party celebrating the launch of OWN's documentary series. Oprah showed up as a surprise and Rosie was originally told she was going to introduce Oprah at the party! Rosie said that gave her a huge amount of stress because it's hard to introduce an icon! Then she found out, Oprah was going to introduce her and Rosie was relieved. Overall, Rosie said it was really great to be at Sundance and different from the last time she attended for the All Aboard
Rosie said she hopes since Oprah is her boss now she can learn to relax around her. She said she has such a huge reverence for her, it's hard for her to be normal around her. Rosie, her publicist Cindi Berger, and some of the OWN producers had plans to watch some documentaries together in the hospitality suite. It was after all the events of the day and Cindi asked them what everyone was wearing to watch the films. They were told they were dressed casually so Cindi told Rosie it was okay if they came to watch the docs in their pajamas. Cindi (dressed in her Michigan sweats) and Rosie (in her t-shirt, boxers and black socks) walked into to the room and there was Oprah, Gayle and all the producers dressed very nicely! They were the only two in their pajamas and Rosie was horrified! Rosie gritted her teeth and quietly told Cindi she was "dead when they get back to the room." And Rosie was also bummed she left her Kindle
Rosie then discussed yesterday's Oprah where she announces she has a half-sister she never knew about! Rosie thought the entire episode was so revealing and wrought with emotion. Bobby loved the part when Oprah talks about how her sister had so much integrity that she didn't go to the press with the story and "sell her out" as her other sister did. Rosie said her brother Eddie called her when he was watching the show too and was in shock! Rosie and Eddie have just finished filming Who Do You Think You Are together researching their own family ancestry. The scene in the episode when Oprah's half-sister hears her birthmother say she was a beautiful baby made Rosie cry. She said it ripped her heart apart. Rosie took a call from a listener who used to ask his mother why he's never seen his birth certificate. After his mother died his mom's older sister (who he never knew existed) came looking for her. During that phone-call he found out he had brothers and sisters he never knew about! Rosie took another call from a listener who also loved yesterday's Oprah Show. Rosie said it was very brave of Oprah to do the show and thought she was pretty amazing for doing it the way she did.
The staff then discussed the 2011 Oscar Nominations! Pete was excited to announce to the staff that Gasland
Rosie said James Franco was on her plane back on her way back to New York and she stopped and told him what great work he's done this year.
Rosie said she's realized she must be the only one on the planet who hasn't seen The Hangover
Rosie had Chelsea with her in Utah and took her to see How Do You Know starring Paul Rudd. Rosie said she knew right away it was a James Brooks film because he has such an identifiable look/feel to his movies. Rosie told the staff she was once in a James Brooks' movie entitled I'll Do Anything and no one on the staff had remembered that except Bobby! Rosie said it was originally supposed to be a musical but then they edited it and cut all the music out. She LOVED How Do You Know and she loved Paul Rudd. Jeannie told Rosie if she loves Paul Rudd, she has to see I Love You Man
Rosie then wanted to discuss Judd Apatow's recent commentary on the Ricky Gervais hosting of the Golden Globes. Rosie said Judd used to be a dishwasher at the East Side Comedy Club when she was a standup there. Pete read Judd's statement. Rosie agreed. She said once you become part of the inner circle of celebrities, and a celebrity in your own right, you cannot joke like you're an outsider anymore. The joke doesn't work because you've become "one of them." Janette said she hates mean humor because it's just mean and not funny. Rosie then took several callers who also love Paul Rudd and told her to see William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Rosie also enjoys Jason Segel who she's seen promoting Gulliver's Travels. Rosie said she's never even recognized Jason and that's how she knows she's old. Pete recommended Rosie watch How I Met Your Mother because he loves it. One caller recommended Rosie see Rudd's The Object of My Affection
Rosie said with the recent announcement of Keith Olbermann leaving MSNBC all their thoughts immediately went to Brendan, their former Executive Producer, who left Rosie Radio in December to join "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." Everyone was worried if Brendan still had a job. Rosie said she spoke to Brendan and everything is fine because his contract is with NBC. Rosie and Janette hadn't heard the reason for why Keith is leaving MSNBC though they heard rumors that it was because of the buyout deal with Comcast or because of his suspension recently. But as of right now, neither party is officially saying why he left.
Janette had some exciting news! Seems the Howard Stern staff heard of her crush on Howard and her offer to provide him with unlimited head should she ever have the opportunity and he thanked her on air! He listened to her talking about her crush on him and played it on air and then Howard actually said, "Thank you, Janette." Janette is overcome. Howard said he thought it was great but that he's ugly and his fans think he's ugly too. Janette told Howard he needs to spend some time in his mirror. She told him he's gorgeous and to look at the gorgeous model, Beth, who married him! When Howard heard about the offer for unlimited head he said Janette might change her mind when she smelled his balls! Apparently, at a certain age, your balls start to smell. Janette said Howard has no reason to worry because she lost her sense of smell using Zicam so the offer still stands. Janette said she was thrilled to hear Howard talking about her. Howard even said the next time Rosie Radio tapes from the Sirius studios in New York City he's going to come by and meet the person that sees his true hotness! Janette did an interview on Howard 100 and she gets a thrill every time she hears Howard say her name. Janette then went into a long speech about how Howard is in a category all his own and if she saw him on the street, having no idea who he was, she would turn around to take another look because he's so handsome. Janette said it's almost like he's in slow motion and there's music playing in the background when he moves. As soon as she heard Howard would stop in to meet her the next time they're in NY, she called Deirdre to find out when they're going to be there next! She wants to get in shape! She said she knows she's not going to land him and he's not going to offer her an "all day sucker." Rosie said if Beth gives Howard "a pass" it could be an interesting day for sure! Stay tuned!
Rosie then wanted to discuss last night's episode of Heavy. She said she liked it better but if the trainers are going to explain what they're doing with the weight-loss participants every single week, she's going to lose interest. Rosie wished the women featured on the show weren't such crybabies. Janette said it probably only seems that way because of editing. She said in reality television, if you're not exploitative, you've got no show.
Rosie then played a clip of Piers Morgan interviewing Joel Osteen:
After the clip, Rosie and Janette said they loved that Piers didn't let up on his questioning of Joel. Rosie said she was impressed that Piers didn't let him off the hook for his statements. And Bobby and Rosie both think Joel seems a little gay in his mannerisms! James' biggest issue with the interview was that if someone is going to preach that being gay is a sin, they need to own it and not make excuses. And he thinks it's annoying that Joel says you can't pick and choose which items in the scripture to follow while he's picking and choosing!
Rosie and the staff then discussed two Superbowl commercials with a gay theme and whether or not they're offensive. Bobby said someone posted them on his Facebook page and he thought they were funny. Janette agreed and said she thought it was cool gays were being seen in this way and not a derogatory way. Rosie didn't like the ads however and thought there was a very derogatory feeling with them. She didn't like the way the female neighbor looks at the men with such disgust and she didn't like it how they're saying gay men have to be grabbing each other's genitals. Rosie found them quite offensive and said they only promote gay stereotypes. After she explained it Janette, Janette actually began to understand how they promote stereotypes. Rosie took a call from a listener who felt the ads promote gay mockery. Rosie wished gay people could be seen honorably and with equality instead of in a stereotypical way such as this. The last caller said gays may be taking themselves too seriously and was glad gays were being seen at all in the media and that people can talk about it today now. Rosie asked the caller if it was good to see African Americans as Aunt Jemima or eating watermelons when they first were portrayed on television. The caller told Rosie she had a point!
Next, a caller asked Rosie if they'll be continuing Rosie Radio when her television show premieres on the OWN network. Rosie told him no. She said she thinks she's going off radio and it will be in June of this year, because she's going to begin working with Oprah. She said they're talking to Sirius to see if they can do something together and hoping to continue it in some form but Rosie Radio as we know it, will be done June first.
Then Bobby announced some Broadway news. Theoni Aldredge passed away and they dimmed the lights on Broadway for her. Bobby said Theoni was an icon in the musical theater world. He was honored to work with her in the Broadway production of Nick and Nora. Bobby said he shopped for her fabric swatches and at the end of the run she made him a miniature dress on a board with all the fabric swatches he had gathered for her. She signed it and he still has it framed in his apartment.
This game was entitled, "The Game Game." During this game, James described a popular board game and the player had to guess which game it was.
Rosie: a board game featuring rich Uncle Penny Bags. She said Monopoly
Pete: players must figure out who killed Mr. Body. He said Clue
Janette: you can get 50 bonus points for using all your letters. She said Scrabble and was correct.
Jeannie: a dice game where players roll 5 dice for certain combinations. She said Yahtzee
Bobby: in this table top game, one must consume the most marbles with a plastic replica of a large herbivore. He said Hungry Hungry Hippos
caller: you need good hand/eye coordination to play game where the board is a cavity of a man with a bright red light-bulb for a nose. She said Operation
Rosie: a balancing tower game. She said Jenga and was correct.
Pete (2): in this game one must catch the cheese pieces and not get caught. He said Mousetrap and was correct.
Janette: in this game one might advance your general only to have him encounter a bomb game piece. The answer was Stratego
Jeannie: this game is an adaptation of royal game of India where players roll to try to get their pieces to the center space. She said Parcheesi
Bobby: in this game you use bluffing and deceit by creating a fictitious definition for a word while trying to sound convincing. The answer was Balderdash
caller: in this game you try to reach the top of the game board of 100 squares based on India's game ladder of salvation. The answer was Chutes and Ladders
caller (2): the most notable feature of this game is the pop-o-matic clear plastic hemisphere in the center of the board and the first person to get their pieces around the board wins. The answer was Trouble
Rosie: teammates try to guess the word by the drawing intended to represent it. She said Pictionary
Pete: this game features the characters "Gramdma Nut" and "Frostine." He said Candyland
Janette: this game consists of two players guessing game cartoon characters and their first names. The answer was Guess Who?
Jeannie: the object of this word guessing game is to have the player guess the word without using the word or any of the words on the card. The answer was Taboo
TIEBREAKER -Rosie vs. Pete
Rosie: the object of this game is to place ones pieces in the corner opposite the pitted hexagram by single moves or jumps over the pieces. She said Chinese checkers
Pete: the player must form a chain of a dozen plastic simians. He said Barrel of Monkeys
Rosie: this game is for teenage girls where they must purchase all the items on their shopping list. It was Mall Madness but she didn't know it
Pete (for the win): A strategic board game where the primary objective is world domination. The answer was Risk
PETE WON! (though no one cheered)
Rosie said she'll be watching the State of the Union tonight and hopes it will be really good for the President since he's such a good speaker. She's interested to see what it's like with the Democrats and Republicans mixed amongst each other as opposed to opposite sides. Janette said she has to see them do something more than sit differently. She wants to SEE them actually work together and see results before she's convinced there's a change. Bobby encouraged Janette to have patience and said we have to take it one step at a time. Janette said she would like to see world peace by morning.
Rosie ended the show saying that her best friend (and Jeannie's best friend) Jackie recently had a health scare. Jackie has always gotten ganglion cysts on her hands and wrists since she was a kid. Rosie would smash them with a dictionary to break them open so she wouldn't have to go to the doctor. The last time she, Jeannie and Jackie went out together Rosie tried to do it to one that didn't break. Jackie went to the doctor and was sent to a specialist because there was concern that it might be cancerous. It was not. Jeannie and Rosie talked about how their lives felt like they've stopped for an entire week. Rosie said she cried to her therapist about it too. Rosie's therapist reminded Rosie that no matter what happens she's going to survive it. She told her that's what we teach our children and we have to believe it too. Rosie and Jeannie were thankful Jackie was okay and planned a celebratory night out soon.
Rosie closed the show.
As for the news about the Rosie Radio ending....
while I am so incredibly sad to see it go,
and I will miss all my blogger-friends and recap readers,
I feel so lucky to have been a part (in a tiny way) of something so extraordinary.
And for that I feel blessed.
and that's what you missed -kw
I thought the Oprah episode was amazing, too. It's a long, looong story, but I found out who my father was for the first time and that I had a half sister when I was 20 and had a baby. He was dying at the time, so I never pursued it. Many years later, I decided to write a letter to the half sister after swearing I would let it go. Who called me when she got the letter, but ANOTHER half sister (not the one I wrote to) that also has a different mother than the two of us. Like I said, it's a loong story, but one day I will tell the whole thing because it's these fractured families that really aren't talked about enough. We found each other as adults. Neither of them knew I existed.
ReplyDeletepaul rudd is so dreamy.... i have loved him since 'clueless'!!
ReplyDeletethanks for all your hard work, kw. i know there are thousands of people who stop by to read this blog each day who are just as thankful!
Kelly will you recap the tv show. I would love to hear what you have to say about the show. I know it is alot of work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do
I missed Rosie's announcement today, and am incredibly saddened to read it here. If Howard had indeed left Sirius last December, I would have kept the subscription just to listen to Rosie! Hopefully she can work something out after June.. if not with Stars, maybe a once-a-week show on Howard 101 instead! :)
ReplyDeleteOh I feel like I just got punched in the gut. I kind of just found Rosie in the last year. I am going to miss the connection I feel with her in both of us losing our Moms within a month of each other. I hope she keeps up with Don't want to talk about it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI will really miss Rosie Radio and your blog! You've done a great job Kelly!! I miss it already :-( xoxo
ReplyDeleteKelly....Thank you so much for doing this recap blog...I am a Canadian that does not have Sirius radio but loves Rosie...I have read your blogs daily and have loved every minute of doing so...Kudos to you stranger friend...Lori
ReplyDeleteKelly, I don't want to make you take a job you don't want, but I imagine there will be a lot of people (like me) who won't have cable and would enjoy your recap if it were to continue with the television show. I hope you will consider it! The Rosie TV Recap Blog doesn't have QUITE the same ring, but you have nine months to come up with something equally catchy!
ReplyDeleteLong live the PINK INK!
: ) P
Great recap. I will miss the show so much. The OWN show will not have the same spontaneous feel, nor the camaraderie between the staff. It will be a talk show. I am going to pester Sirius and see if they will give Janette her own radio show. Thanks for another great recap.
ReplyDeletePetra! Great suggestion! Love you for it!
ReplyDeleteAgree that the Doritos commercials promote stereotypes and TOTALLY suspect that Joel O could star in one.
ReplyDeleteAlison (aka Alderella)
Darn, I listened to the show live today, and how the heck did I miss the announcement about June 1st!!!! D'oh. No more snack breaks. Kelly, as Petra and Peg T mentioned above, I sure hope that you will do the TV recap each day. Your comments and links add so much to the experience. Love the pink ink!
ReplyDeleteAlison (aka Alderella)
Go figure, we just renewed our Sirius subscriptions and went cable-free :/ I would like to 2nd (or is it 3rd?) the suggestion of keeping the recap going! Otherwise, how will us non-OWNers get our Rosie fix? I don't think you realize what a vital service you are providing Kelly. Even when I listen to the show, I read your recap. Without you there will be riots, looting, pillaging, anarchy! Ok, maybe I'm slightly exaggerating, but you catch my drift ;) ~Cat
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you will write a recap for the TV show Kelly.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great for people who don't get cable and also for those who like to watch the show and read the recap.
Like Alison said your comments and links add so much to the experience.
In the meantime I look forward to the next 4 months of the show and your recap blog Kelly.
Yup. I agree. If you're up for writing, I'll be another one who keeps coming back for a TV recap blog, Kelly.
ReplyDeletePaul Rudd - loooooove him. I saw him on stage with Jessica Lange (love her too!) in London in January 2001.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually about a US Army unit in Afghanistan.. They named their post after a soldier that was killed, his last name was RESTREPO. No sub titles, it's American.
Teresa Ruiz CA
Checking in to thank you and to tell you how much I appreciate your recap of Rosie Radio. I love knowing what's happening and wouldn't if you were not so dedicated to the blog.
ReplyDeleteNo pressure(ha)Kelly...
ReplyDeleteKelly - if this window closes, a new door will open. I would have never experienced Rosie Radio without your wonderful recaps! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDennis - Fort Lauderdale
I agree with others. PLEASE think about recap for Rosie's OWN show ... many like me don't have that channel on cable!!!
ReplyDeleteI will so miss coming to this blog daily. Kelly, you are what kept me coming back! You've done such a great job here and I hope you realize the joy you've brought to so many. I will miss you deeply..........I hope to see you in a future incarnation!!!!
ReplyDeleteRosie also said she was keeping her connection with Sirius and HOPED to have something on the order of a once-weekly "Ask Ro" type radio show. Am I the only one who heard that? Keep hope alive!
ReplyDeleteKelly- i am hoping Janette and crew (who arent going with Rosie to OWN) would have a radio show.
ReplyDeleteI've been home recuperating from surgery the past week and haven't been able to listen. I just discovered this blog--which is great. I can totally "hear" the show in my mind. I am SO bummed about this news that the show will end in June. I GOT my Sirius radio for Rosie's show. So sad. I do have OWN but will miss sharing my morning commute with Ro & crew. Guess it's back to NPR...
ReplyDeleteListen Rosie for the first time I believe it was the 28th, Hear Rosie discussing a book of a man that forgave his father, for beating him , when he learn that his own grandfather did the same, thhat is beat his father can someone help me with the title of the book, thanks
ReplyDeletemgalarza, I'm almost positive she was describing Dog The Bounty Hunter's book -"You Can Run But You Can't Hide." I'm so happy I actually could help! :)